Sunday, 8 January 2012

Twined Traditions

Los niños y niñas de 3º y4º de primaria estamos realizando un intercambio sobre las tradiciones populares que hay en los dos países hermanados (España y Reino Unido). La experiencia nos ha servido para conocer con profundidad nuestras propias costumbres y para descubrir y comparar tradiciones de cada lugar, lo cual para muchos ha sido realmente sorprendente.
Thanks to our English friends and Mrs. Catherine Monaghan for her help and support. I recomend to visit her blog:


Mrs Monaghan said...

It's super for us to see how you set up your classroom, and what it looked like from the Santander side!
We really enjoyed our Skype with you, especially the Innocents! It's probably a good job that we are not at school on that day, otherwise I would have many innocents on my back!
We've put a link on our blog to your slideshow... Happy New Year!
Mrs M & A Room with a View

Mrs Monaghan said...

We liked seeing your presentation and seeing ourselves on your blog!
Did you have a good Christmas? What did the three kings bring for you?

From Class 2